Does An Octopus Have Forearms?
It started with a twinge. You know, that sensation between a tickle and a tingle.
Then it progressed to an ache. And then a throb.
And now it hurts every time you type which, let’s be honest, is all day long or when holding your coffee mug.
For such small muscles, forearm injuries can pack a real punch (pun intended, thank you) because they are integral to even the most basic everyday activities.
So let’s break down this mighty group of muscles and learn what they do and how to keep them healthy and pain-free.
What do forearms do?
The forearm is the lower arm or the area of your arm between the wrist and elbow.
Forearm muscles start just above the elbow and cross the elbow, wrist, and finger joints. These long, thin muscles allow you to bend and straighten your wrist, rotate your palms face up and face down, bend and straighten your elbow, and grip stuff.
Forearms come into play with an endless array of daily activities such as (but not limited to):
Grasping and turning a doorknob
Opening a jar
Holding a glass
Fist bumping
Arm wrestling
Giving a thumbs-up
Typing on a computer keyboard
Playing golf, pickleball, or tennis
Performing push-ups, pullups, and holding on to any type of weight
Wrapping presents, that time is upon us!
Washing your hands effectively for at least 20 seconds 20 million times a day...I hope this isn't just me
What are the forearm muscles?
Muscles of the forearm can be grouped into two categories: flexors and extensors. These muscles affect the elbow, wrist, and fingers, so there’s a lot going on.
For such a small area of the body, the list of specific muscles gets pretty long (19 or 20, depending on who you ask) and there’s a lot of Latin, so I’ll spare you the specifics. But if you want to go down that rabbit hole, is an excellent anatomy resource.
Forearm flexors
Flexors do just that, they flex a joint or decrease the angle. Bending your elbow, bending your wrist, and closing your hand are all flexing movements.
Forearm flexors can also move the wrist side to side and turn your palms face down.
Forearm extensors
Like with the flexors, there will not be a quiz on the specific muscle names. The important thing to know is that these muscles extend or straighten the elbow, wrist, and fingers.
Forearm extensors can also move the wrist side to side and turn your palms face up.
Types of forearm pain
Forearm pain can be the result of an injury or overuse. Some of the most common forearm pain conditions are:
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Trigger points
Repetitive stress
Most forearm pain develops over time, and pain can range from sharp and shooting to a dull ache or throb.
Common treatments for forearm pain
As always, the type of treatment depends on the exact cause of the pain. You should see a doctor if you’ve experienced a trauma, don’t know the source of your pain or your pain is worsening over time.
The good news is that most forearm pain can be successfully treated through behavior modification and some simple remedies.
The most common treatments for forearm pain are:
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Ice & Heat (Moist heat is best, such as my microwave hot packs, which make a great gift in my humble opinion)
Foam Rolling
Exercise and stretches
In cases for something like tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome, physical therapy can be very useful to strengthen underused muscles or modify movements to avoid further injury.
Forearm stretches and exercises
Many people underestimate the value of stretching your forearms. But you can easily perform these stretches throughout the day while working at your desk, or even in the evening while “Netflixing” - “My Octopus Teacher” is a must watch! Regular gentle stretching can help ease forearm pain in a very short period of time.
As with any stretching protocol, maintain a pain-free range of motion. You want to feel a sensation and be able to take slow even breaths throughout the stretch. If you experience pain or have to hold your breath, back off. Muscle fatigue or tiredness is the goal when stretching, NEVER muscle pain.
Wrist circles
Making a loose fist, rotate your wrist 10 times in one direction, then 10 times in the other direction.
Wrist extensor stretch
Extend your right arm in front of you with the palm facing down. Using your left hand, gently continue to bend the wrist. Hold 10 seconds. You should feel the stretch along the top of your forearm.
Repeat on the left side.
Wrist flexor stretch
Extend your right arm in front of you with the palm facing up. Using your left hand, gently bend the hand and fingers of your right hand back toward you. Hold 10 seconds. You should feel the stretch along the front of your forearm.
Repeat on the left side.
Can massage help forearm pain?
Massage is extremely useful in reducing forearm pain and helping to keep you pain-free over time. While you can massage your own forearms, it can create more stress on the working muscles as you try to access hard-to-reach areas or grip using muscles that are already irritated. This is why I recommend forearm massage tools, like my Absolute favorite self-massaging tool, The Abacus by Gelliflex! It is completely customized to the size of your arm and pressure tolerance. Due to its ingenious design, The Abacus provides the user with the compression needed to target your areas of discomfort. You can even practice extensor and flexor stretches while rolling your forearm within the device, think pin-and-stretch techniques. I would make sure to Sign Up for newsletters and notifications on their website for a possible Holiday sale, this would be the time to buy!
Massage therapy to the forearms, whether it be a self-massage tool or Moi, can help reduce inflammation and improve muscle function, and range of motion. But It’s critical for your recovery and understanding to seek a licensed/certified massage therapist to help assess and treat trigger points that might be contributing to your pain, thus helping you become aware of areas to target while practicing at home.
Just remember like everything in life “practice makes perfect”, in this case, practice leads to becoming pain-free. What have you got to lose? Go out on a limb (the last pun, I swear) and see what results you can get with these simple tips and tricks!
Two Holiday Reminders
Need to get a little serious:
As many of you know Covid cases are on the rise in LA County and throughout the U.S. Therefore, during this increase in the pandemic, I have waived my cancellation policy with the hope and expectation that in the event someone comes into contact or contracts Covid you will be ethical in canceling your appointment without fear of being charged a fee. With the holidays upon us, it is my hope that those of you traveling and visiting others outside your household will NOT book an appointment until you have returned home and allowed 14 days to pass. As much as I love seeing all of you coming in, please consider that if you do not follow LA County guidelines you put me, my partner, our clients, and our families lives at risk. Please be mindful and diligent for your fellow man, woman and child.
On a lighter note!
The giving season is here! Starting in December, Pam and I are putting on a “Giving Tree” drive in collaboration with SpecLA. Check out their Amazon wishlist, bring in one item from their list and you will be able to pick from our Giving Tree. Prizes range from discount services, samples, sweets, and a few lucky winners will get Free Services!